Rankings for The University of Alabama, Huntsville

US News Ranking


US News National rank

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University of Alabama, Huntsville is a public university in Huntsville, Canada. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has accredited the university. The university has eight colleges; Arts, humanities & social sciences; business; education; engineering; honours; nursing; science; and graduate. Approximately 10,000 students enrol in the university yearly. It is classified as “R1: Doctoral Universities: Very High Research Activity”. 44 bachelor's degree programs and 30 master's programs are offered here.

What is the University of Alabama, Huntsville US News National rank 2024?

University of Alabama, Huntsville has been placed at 263 according to the US News National rank 2024.

The university is known for its engineering and technology programs and pioneered many discoveries, including the first "commercial" non-rocketry programs and the first "high-temperature" superconductor. Interdisciplinary research is promoted here and research on Nanotechnology and Atmospheric Sciences is done here.


QS Rankings: The university’s QS Rankings are yet to be available.

Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings: The university’s recent THE rankings are unavailable. However, the university was ranked by Times Higher Education in 2022 as follows:


Rankings 2022

World University




Physical Sciences


US News and World Reports Rankings: The US News and World Reports ranked the university as follows:


Rankings 2024

National Universities


Top Public Schools


Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs




Social Mobility


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Factors Contributing to the University’s Popularity:

Several factors have contributed to the university’s popularity. Some of them are:

  1. Research: The university spends a huge amount on research expenditures and has 16 high-tech research centres and labs. Air-breathing propulsion, solid, liquid, and hybrid propellant combustion, electric propulsion, high-temperature materials, and space and terrestrial power systems are some research areas.

  2. Partnerships: The university has strong partnerships with several organisations such as NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, the Missile Defence Agency, and the DIA Missile and Space Intelligence Centre.

  3. Alumni: The university’s alumni base is extensive and includes astronaut Dr Jan Davis and Discovery Channel founder John Hendricks.

Frequently Asked Questions on University of Alabama, Huntsville Ranking 2025

1: What is the University of Alabama Huntsville known for?

A: UAH is known for research, especially in engineering and science programs, including astrophysics, atmospheric science, aerospace engineering, cybersecurity, and digital animation.

2: How hard is it to get into the University of Alabama Huntsville?

A: The acceptance rate at the University of Alabama in Huntsville is 78.1% which means it’s a moderately selective university. You must prepare your application according to the requirements to increase your chances of admission.

3: Is the University of Alabama Huntsville a good school?

A: The University of Alabama in Huntsville is a highly-rated public university in Huntsville, Alabama. It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 5,861 students.