Ireland's oldest institution, Trinity College Dublin, was established in 1592 and is well-known for both its academic quality and storied appeal. Its recognizable campanile and cobblestone squares, tucked away in the center of Dublin, harken back to centuries of academic heritage. Trinity University, which is home to some of the best brains in Ireland, encourages creativity and intellectual exploration in a wide range of fields, including science and literature. It is a lively center for learning and exploration because of its rich cultural legacy and active student body. Trinity College Dublin is dedicated to conducting research and engaging with the world to change education and society going forward.
Global rankings for Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, changed, according to QS and Times Higher Education (THE). Trinity College Dublin ranking dropped from 146 in 2022 to 161 in THE's Best Global Universities.
What is the Trinity College Dublin QS Ranking 2025?
Trinity College Dublin ranks 87th according to the QS World University Rankings 2025. However, Trinity College Dublin ranking was 215th in the 2023 World University Ranking. Trinity's prominence in the field of higher education and scholarly achievement is guaranteed by its unwavering reputation for academic excellence and its unwavering dedication to research and innovation, even in the face of fluctuations.
Enlisted below are the various global rankings for the Trinity College Dublin from 2022-25:
Ranking Type |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
QS - World University Rankings |
101 |
98 |
81 |
87 |
THE (Times Higher Education) University Rankings |
146 |
161 |
NA |
NA |
US News & World Report - Global Universities |
222 |
215 |
NA |
NA |
Trinity College Dublin Course Rankings:
According to the 2023 assessments, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, excels in topic rankings for a range of degrees. Impressively, QS ranked it at number 24 for Masters in Business Analytics and number 7 for Masters in Supply Chain Management. Furthermore, Trinity has received QS distinction in top program rankings for its expertise in fields like accounting and finance and engineering and technology. Its highly regarded Accounting & Finance programs achieved an impressive QS ranking of 51-100. These honors highlight Trinity College Dublin's dedication to providing top-notch instruction and its long-standing standing as a pioneer in research and innovation.
Trinity College Dublin Course Rankings by QS 2021-23:
Course |
2022 |
2023 |
Global MBA |
97 |
101-110 |
NA |
24 |
Masters in Supply Chain Management |
6 |
7 |
Nursing |
42 |
41 |
Engineering and Technology |
165 |
183 |
Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering |
101-150 |
101-150 |
Pharmacy & Pharmacology |
25 |
28 |
Medicine |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Law |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Politics & International Studies |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Sociology |
101-150 |
101-150 |
Performing Arts |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Physics and Astronomy |
151-200 |
101-150 |
Biological Sciences |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Mathematics |
251-300 |
201-250 |
Accounting & Finance |
51-100 |
51-100 |
Trinity College Dublin Course Rankings by Times Higher Education 2021-23:
Course |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PG Business and Economics |
151-175 |
101-125 |
101-125 |
Law |
101-125 |
99 |
101-125 |
Engineering |
201-250 |
126-150 |
126-150 |
201-250 |
201-250 |
201-250 |
Clinical and Health |
151-175 |
151-175 |
151-175 |
Psychology |
85 |
87 |
101-125 |
Arts and Humanities |
101-125 |
101-125 |
101-125 |
Life Sciences |
70 |
82 |
97 |
Looks great, doesn’t it? Trinity College Dublin is one of the best-emerging universities in the world. Find out your chances of getting into TCD through a free consultation call with ÐÓ°ÉÂÛ̳ experts.
Frequently Asked Questions on Trinity College Dublin Ranking 2024
1. How has Trinity College Dublin's ranking changed between 2022 and 2024 according to the QS World University Rankings?
Ans. Trinity College Dublin's standing in the world according to the QS World University Rankings showed a significant increase over the course of three years, demonstrating the institution's dedication to academic quality. The institution saw gradual progress, moving up from 101 in 2022 to 98 in 2023 and then even further to 81 by 2024. This steady ascent highlights Trinity's ongoing efforts to improve its research, teaching, and overall institutional excellence, solidifying its standing as one of the world's leading universities.
2. What pattern in Trinity College Dublin's ranks from 2022 to 2023 may be seen in the THE (Times Higher Education) University ranks?
Ans. Between 2022 and 2023, Trinity College Dublin's ranking in the THE (Times Higher Education) University Rankings showed a pattern of fluctuations. Between 2022 and 2023, the university's ranking dropped from 146 to 161, indicating a moderate loss in standing. Such swings are not unusual in the dynamic world of worldwide university rankings, even though the precise causes of this fall may differ. Trinity's unwavering dedication to academic quality and innovative research is acknowledged both nationally and internationally, notwithstanding this brief setback.
3. How has Trinity College Dublin's rating evolved from 2022 to 2023, according US News & World Report - Global Universities?
Ans. The US News & World Report - Global Universities' ranking of Trinity College Dublin had a little increase in 2022 compared to 2023. By 2023, the university has improved its standing from 222 in 2022 to 215 in 2023. This may seem like a small step forward, but it represents Trinity's continued attempts to strengthen its standing in academia and the effect of its research globally. This kind of advancement highlights the university's adaptability and dedication to quality in the face of changing scholarly and higher education environments.