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kim michi
fall 2022
are there any whatsapp groups for neu, ualbany,suny buffalo?
Comments (16)
WhatsApp link for Concordia University, Montreal (Fall22 admits)
Is there any What's App link for Concordia University, Montreal (Canada) for Fall 2022 intake newly admitted students??
ASU vs IIT Chicago
I got admits for Spring 2023 intake from both the universities. I would like guidance to opt one university based on fin
Please suggest a few Ambitious and Moderate universities for MS in CS Spring23 intake. CGPA: 9.37 BTech CSE 1 Internship
IELTS: 7GRE not givenWork Experience: 2 Years
Profile evaluation GRE: 319 (QA160;VA159) IELTS: 7.5 CGPA: 7.75/10 (BE Comps, Mumbai University) Work Ex: 2yrs Systems Engineer @ TCS and 2yrs as Small Buisness owner Aspiring: MS BA/DA
Would appreciate some help!