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sofia manimaran
spring 2023
Toefl Is toefl ibt home edition is accepted by universities in USA ?
#toefl #toeflhomeedition
Comments (9)
Which is best paper or computer based IELTS?
Can anyone suggest which mode is better to write ielts? Paper or computer? I have good typing speed.. and I'm comfortabl
Hello guys, I wish to pursue MS in CS this fall 2022. My academic profile is shown below. Which universities do you guys think I have a good shot at?
- B. Tech in ECE - (10 CGPA -> 4.0 GPA) (1st in university, awarded gold medal, but from I'd say a tier 3 university).
Hi Everyone! Can someone suggest me some decent colleges to apply for in san francisco bay area. My sister lives in Bay area therefore i am only targeting colleges in San Francisco Bay area.
Courses : MS in Finance/ MSBAToefl Score : 81GRE : 295M.COM and B.COM from Lucknow university with 65%Any help woul
Has anybody got an admit from ASU for Spring'22 and is considering it?
Would love to connect and discuss on future tasks.