
Anushka Mendjoge

Anushka Mendjoge

Fall 2023

2 years ago

Tips for tackling the TOEFL Reading Section

The strategies for dealing with the reading section of TOEFL can be subjective. Following are some strategies that helped me with my TOEFL. 1) Do not read the entire passage just at the beginning: The entire passage is visible throughout the set. The questions always indicate the corresponding paragraph and the answers are always based on that particular paragraph (except for the last question of each set, but by that time, you will have read almost the entire text in parts). 2) Eliminate narrow options: For the last question of the set (multiple choice, multiple answers), you will have to check which of the given options fit with the summary of the passage, if you were to summarize it. While one can answer this question easily using elimination, confusing options can create a problem. In such cases, always eliminate an option that is too narrow (describes only 1-2 sentences from the passage, talks only about one aspect while neglecting the other, etc.) 3) Magoosh Vocab App: The students who'd have already taken the GRE before appearing for TOEFL generally find the TOEFL vocabulary easier. However, if that is not the case with you, the TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards app by Magoosh will be your best friend. 4) Give at least 4 mock tests: I recommend buying the Official TOEFL iBT Tests (Volume 1 or 2) by ETS. These books come with an accession code at the back. Once the code is redeemed, you get access to 5 ets official mock tests. There are different tests in Volume 1 and 2, so if you need more than 5 tests, you can buy both. The books also contain the print version of the tests. Although, you will have to access the listening and speaking sections electronically. There are tons of other resources available either through websites or people. However, it is necessary to actively experiment with the strategies while giving mock tests and check what works best for you. Always remember: never experiment on your actual exam. On your exam day, you should be comfortable and use the strategies you are confident in. Good luck! #applicationprocess #admissions #TOEFL #reading #GRE #masters #usa #strategies #ms


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