Master's Degrees that require little or no coding to enter the tech industry Part -1
1.Industrial Engineering (Coding level : Least or Null)
It is an engineering field that is concerned with the optimization of complex processes, systems, or organizations by developing, improving and implementing integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, and equipment.
According to U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics Industrial engineers' employment is projected to grow 14 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.
Industrial engineering can be considered as a liquid branch of engineering, i.e. Each & Every Office Requires an Industrial Engineer and is Not Fixated to only certain Aspects of work.
Industrial Engineering is a heavy Maths Centric Masters, so one can expect to study a lot of statistics and Linear Math subjects and you have Options To Learn R or Python as Part of the Syllabus.
This is one of the Best alternative degrees for Aspiring Data Enthusiasts.
Engineering Management is a Sub Branch of Industrial Engineering which is also called MBA for Engineers, which equips an engineer for managerial roles.
Here are a few tech fields one can expect to work in after graduating as an industrial engineer:
*Data Analyst/Business Analyst ( $72,250)
*Data Scientist ( $102,000)
*Product Management ( $113,000)
*Project Management ( $77,000)
*Business/ Tech Consultant ( $105,000)
*Sales Engineer ( $86,000)
Here Are Few Best Colleges to Pursue IE From -
UC Berkeley
Virginia Tech
U Mich Ann Arbor
Penn State
U of Florida
U of Wisconsin Madison
Here Are Few Best Colleges to Pursue MEM From -
ALL MEMPC Colleges
Northeastern University
Columbia University
2. Management Information Systems {MIS} (Coding Level : Least)
MIS is the only major that focuses on both business processes and information technology. If you are interested in business and technology, like theory but not too much, like technology enough to want to keep up with what's hot but don't want to be writing programs or putting together chips all your life, then MIS is for you
MIS is one of the best alternatives to an MBA for an aspiring tech manager, and In some colleges, MIS is offered as a MBA Sub Track. It is usually offered by a business school. Anyone can Apply to this Course irrespective of his/her bachelor's degree, provided that they fulfil the prerequisite criteria of the Program.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median salary of Information Systems Managers is US $139,220. Also, the future outlook in this field is also bright, as the projected growth from 2016-2026 is 12%. Whereas the growth for Management Analysts is pegged at 14% which is more than 1 lakh new jobs. MIS degrees are classified as STEM degrees by most of the universities .
Few Job Roles which MIS Graduates Get are :
*Information Security Manager ($138,000)
*Technical Program Manager ($115,000)
*Product Manager ($113,000)
*Software Developer ($118,000)
*Data Analyst ($ 72,000)
*Systems Analyst ($93,000)
Here Are Few Best Colleges to Pursue MIS From -
UC Berkeley
University of Arizona (Eller)
Northeastern University
Carnegie mellon
MIT Sloan
Indiana University
UT Austin
3. UI/UX or Human Computer Interaction (Coding Level : Least)
Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design, of computer technology and, in particular, the interaction between humans (the users) and computers. While initially concerned with computers, HCI has since expanded to cover almost all forms of information technology design. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) will give you the skills to properly understand, and design, the relationship between the “humans”, on one side, and the “computers” (websites, apps, products, services, etc.), on the other hand.
the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the IT and Design-related occupations will grow by 12% from 2014–2024
After graduation from HCI, one can expect to land one of the jobs mentioned. -
*ICT Project Manager ($93,000)
*HCI Consultant ( $85,000)
*Multimedia Designer ($ 54,000)
*UX Professional ($109,000)
*IOT Designer ($131,000)
*UX researcher ($110,000)
Here Are Few Best Colleges to Pursue HCI From -
U of Washington
CU Boulder
Oregon State University
UC Irvine
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