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K Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
fall 2023
Anyone up for the Undergraduate in CANADA in 2023 ? 🤔
#bachelors #diploma #Canada
Comments (12)
University of Michigan( MS in Data Science ) or IIT Chicago (MS in CS) which one is the best ?
which one is better for academic , job opportunities ?
issue regarding name in Passport and degree certificate
I'm from south india my name in 10th,12th and degree certificate is mentioned as Aman Kumar P A. In passport my initials
Guys, which would be better for getting into SDE roles in big tech? NEU Boston MIS vs Santa Clara University MS CS?
Considering NEU MIS is also purely technical and NEU a reputed university, while Santa Clara has the Silicon Valley loca
Hi, Please suggest universities for MSBA/MS in Data Science in US offering scholarships for the program.
Please help in shortlisting universities offering decent scholarships for MSBA/MS in Data Science.